Monday 15 April 2013

Slow Blog Linky Party

It's the 15th of the month - where has the time gone?! Actually, for me, a lot of it went into the school holidays. A good time was had by all, although there were moments ....

Success of the month - I ran two miles and suddenly realised that if I go upstairs to fetch something, forget to bring it down with me and have to go up again (which happens a lot), I'm not out of breath by the time I've got to the top of the stairs for the second time. Result!   I'm mentioning it really because if I can do it so can anyone. Getting fit was one of my New Year's resolutions, and at that point I couldn't run for more than a minute or so at a time.   I'm doing the Couch to 5K programme, using podcasts from here.

Sadly I have completely failed in one of my other resolutions which was to do something creative every day.  I haven't been doing anything creative at all this month but c'est la vie.  On my immediate to-do list are yellow and grey Siblings Together quilt, my leaf quilt - think I can get it done in time to enter it here?! - and three very belated Pay it Forward gifts which I haven't forgotten.

What about you?  Have you been wildly creative (not envious at all...) or been doing other things?  I would love to hear about it, so do link up - you can grab a linky button from my sidebar - and visit other Slow Bloggers too, to show your support.

(PS, if you would like to host, just let me know.)


  1. Wow - congrats on the running...that's wonderful progress!! Stick with it and your urge to be creative will return. Love the snowy pic :)

  2. Ooh I've been toying with starting couch to 5k for a while. You may have inspired me! I'd be happy ot host next month it you'd like x

  3. Congratulations on running 2 miles. That is great! I so need to get off the couch and get back to running again:)
    I'd love to host.

  4. Well done on getting fit. Like the amount of sewing I get done the amount of exercise I do peaks and troughs too. The sewing has been going fairly well at the moment but the exercise not so great.

  5. Oh you are so inspiring! thanks for the opportunity to link to this again

  6. Wow congrats on the fitness goal! Isn't it great to feel fitter! And I'm convinced you are creative everyday, just maybe not in sewing perhaps. I bet you cook and play with your kids. I have had a bad documentation time but am enjoying seeing family in NZ, so that makes up for it!

  7. If you could run and stitch at the same time, you would have all the bases covered :)

    You definitely couldn't call yourself a Slow Blogger though, so I think you should stick to one at a time!

  8. You have achieved such a great deal with this couch to 5k goal. You are being creative, just with your body instead of fabic!

  9. Well done on getting fit! I love the idea of 'pay it forward' gifts, where can I find out more about this?


I love hearing from you and always try to reply - please forgive me if I accidentally miss a comment. If you don't hear back do check you aren't a "No Reply Blogger", and look for a reply here in the Comments section.


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