Monday 15 September 2014

On a very important mission

Somehow managed to bring a little friend home in my hair.


  1. He's beautiful, and so tiny, I have a big soft spot for snails. Also so much less hassle than the only little friends that are ever brought home in hair around here!

  2. What a cute baby snail! That's a nice friend to bring home. :-) I love snails. We had pet snails once and were lucky to see baby snails hatch out of eggs, so many of them, tiny and very cute.

  3. Lots of oohs and aaahs here - did you give him/her a name? We call all snails Brian...

  4. I'm not a snail lover generally but he is so cute.

  5. That do beat all! I suppose you could have brought home some other nasty critters that love to take up residence in one's hair!

  6. Will s/he find a new home in your garden?

  7. Just glad the little bugger has a shell - because I know what my mum would do with it if it didn't, it would be included in the ritualistic carnage of seedling destroyers

  8. James his name must be if you know your AAMilne! Can a gardener be kind and compassionate to a snail?

  9. Seems appropriate for a slo blogger!!

  10. i could think of worse friends to bring home in your hair!

  11. What a cute little Slow Blogger mascot :)


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