Wednesday 11 March 2015

Moral dilemma of the day

Turn spare/junk/play/guest room into:

a) room of her own for eldest child, or
b) sewing heaven with incidental guest bed

What would you do?!


  1. What does eldest child think? I am guessing a sewing room/guest room is what you'd like though? Difficult one.

  2. ah my "utility" room is supposed to be my sewing room with washing machine, it ended up wine store, gym, utility room and sewing machine, freezing because the wine has to be cool . In your case, I think I would have to go with eldest child room

  3. Time flies - give it to your daughter for now;):

  4. How much does your eldest child want a room of her own?!

  5. Based on personal experience I'd say it depends upon the age of the eldest child and how well the current living situation is going. If age 12-17 I would vote bedroom. Otherwise sewing room.

  6. Having only recently created a dedicated sewing room when the youngest left home, I am sorry to say that the room for eldest child is probably your best bet now Catherine :( Your time will come though!

  7. Depends on the age of the child. If she's about to hit or has already hit puberty, I would let her have a room of her own if she wants one.

  8. I'm so enjoying my sewing room after 20+ years of One end of the dining table, but one of my children left home enabling this to happen. If your kids have a great relationship and enjoy sharing why not But if they'd benefit from their own space then there are benefits of them living amongst creativity everywhere else too!

  9. If the children have a room each, then you can take over the living room as a sewing room ;-) Get rid of the tv and noone will notice the room has 'gone' ...

  10. Oh dear, that's tough! Sadly I think room of her own has to win, but it's not fair! My sewing room is my kitchen table, and it's a nightmare, so I feel for you :(

  11. Room for her if she needs it for her mental and emotional growth (and mama's sanity also, perhaps?) But if she's really ok with sharing with a sister, then have your studio. No sense in sacrificing a studio / happiness for yourself if it doesn't need sacrificing! Children need to see their mamas go for it sometimes, too. Ya know? Just sayin'.
    :) m & jb

  12. Mmmmmm.......difficult. Eldest child, but whilst she is in there plan for when she goes off to university
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  13. I'd save R the mental anguish of sharing with the delightful demon, especially at their age!! Little sisters can be so trying... Just encourage R to go to Uni 'in another city for the excellent life experience', then you get the room back :-)

  14. Gah! The horns of a dilemma. You know what to do though huh

  15. Gah! The horns of a dilemma. You know what to do though huh

  16. Sometimes being a good mum is just no fun!

  17. Wow, that is a dilemma; rather you then me :-)

  18. You'll miss her when she's gone (but love the space she leaves behind ;0)

  19. Mmmm... that's a difficult one. Both choices are important but I am sure you are going to make the right one, that works best for you and your eldest child. :-)


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