Wednesday 4 May 2016

Show and Tell

Despite the current traditional Scottish weather of four seasons in one day my paid gardening work is picking up again after the winter so I have fallen a bit behind on blogging.  It's a bit easier to keep up with Instagram (where I am @knottedcotton) so apologies if you have seen the following already.

April was quite a productive month as I rashly signed up for two swaps as well as needing to complete my Four-in-Art quilt.  First up was the #veryberryhoopswap on instagram. It was a small swap in more ways than one - small group, and we had to make a mini hoop, maximum size 5cm.  I haven't received my own yet but here's the one I made for my partner.

She liked lots of things, including blues and greens and the sea, which I tried to capture with this rustic embroidery.  I've got used to doing little pictures for Artist Trading Cards, but the tininess of this was a challenge to me and a sign that I should be wearing my specs more often instead of holding things at arms length like an old lady.  You can see how small it is from the pic of it nestling in my sea glass collection.  I made a little loop to hang the hoop from and my partner kindly said she liked it.

I also took part in the second Big Stitch Swap - my parcel is on its way to my partner, and hopefully one is winging its way here, so more about that soon!

Then a very loved friend was doing exams so I made her a good luck card.   It's about six inches on the longest side - the little birds came from an Aviary selvedge, I think, and are really tiny.

Finally, my geek husband's birthday laptop cover which of course I had to wait till Star Wars day (May the fourth be with you) to show you.   We are big Star Wars fans in this house.  It's lined with both batting and fleece so his beloved technology should be well-padded and cosy.   I managed to get the pattern to line up, I was quite pleased!


  1. Ah, I wondered what all the star wars stuff was this week. May the forth be with you too. Though... I am very proud I can do the live long and prosper thing with my fingers. I'm probably more of a goodbye and thanks for all the fish person myself. All your teeny tiny makes are gorgeous. I love both your hoop and your good luck card. A work of art in itself.

  2. Wonderful shows & telling! I esp love that tiny embroidery nestled in your lovely looking sea glass collection. And I'm sure your husband will be thrilled with the smart looking case.

  3. The card is so cute. It's amazing how many details you are able to squeeze into the little card! Charming! And May the fourth be with you too!

  4. Great makes there Catherine, lining up that Star Wars pattern so well is most impressive :)

  5. What lovely makes, I didn't sign up for the very berry mini hoop thing (not on IG) but I was tempted into buying a couple of the mini hoops themselves and they've been sitting there waiting for inspiration. I was looking at them just yesterday trying to think of something which would be good for a birthday present I need to make for someone. You've now got me wondering with the sea glass theme, and I went sea glass hunting with her just last week. Thanks for the inspiration! I'm even wondering whether I could sew sea glass into it or if that's too crazy on something so small...


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