Thursday 1 August 2019

The Endeavourers #7, A Walk In the Park, "Taking a Lion for a Walk"

Today is the seventh quarterly reveal of quilts made by The Endeavourers and our theme for inspiration this quarter was "A Walk in the Park".

As usual it was a lot of fun thinking random thoughts about the theme, which suddenly went in the direction of a doodle we used to do at primary school called 'taking a line for a walk' - maybe you know the one; you do a squiggly line and then fill in all the intersecting loops with different colours or patterns, preferably using your best felt-tip pens.

For no real reason I thought perhaps I could take a lion for a walk (ho ho) and so here is my quilt.

My little lion has just taken a wander through a park filled with flower borders, and is now sitting down smelling the flowers and enjoying a rest.

My quilt is approximately 26x24 inches. The flower borders are made from Liberty scraps.  The lion's mane and tail are accentuated with lazy daisy stitches in perle thread, and I used 28 weight aurifil for the stipple quilting.  I used fusible bias binding for the line, and carved a stamp for the paw prints - the first time I've used either in a quilt and now making me think of other possibilities. 

I wanted a binding that looked like a picture frame so attempted a faux-flanged binding and have to admit that it took me two goes to get it right.  So although my quilt is really just a bit of fun I tried to use some 'new to me' techniques.  I enjoyed making this one a lot and am quite pleased with the result!

I'm looking forward to seeing how the other members have treated the theme and, as usual, learning from their adventurousness!  You can find their quilts on the group blog today where there are also links to their individual blogs.

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