Friday 23 November 2012

Really Random Thursday

There has been a lot of cupboard clearing going on in the Knotted Cotton household (displacement activity while plucking up courage to cut into the Oakshott...), and I have been sorting out a pile of stuff to go to the charity shop.  One old loud-speaker had a mysterious rattle.   This is the cause:

Yes:   five toy cows, two sheep, a dinosaur, a giraffe, a deer, a crocodile, a hippo, a panther and a pig, three Easter chicks, two pencils, two gekkos,  a butterfly,  a toy mobile phone, two wooden jigsaw pieces, a tangle of pipecleaners, a baby's hairbrush, an electronic thermometer, four hazelnuts, one parrot finger puppet and a plastic bee had all at one time or another been posted into the small hole at the front of the speaker by small children.

Back to the Oakshott - I had to show you the thread tangle I trimmed away after washing it.  The variety of colour illustrates how the shot cottons are woven - as each shot colour has a different thread woven with the red.   There must be some sort of textile art I could do with this - it's beautiful really!

Linking up to Really Random Thursday

Live A Colorful Life


  1. giggling at the contents of your speaker! That is so familiar!!

  2. 4 calling birds, three-ee French hens, two turtle doves and a Partridge in a Pear tree-what a collection! Isn't it amazing how hard it is to cut into favourite fabric. Look fwd to seeing the textile due course...

  3. Those Oakshott threads are just beautiful!

  4. How many years have the kids been posting these treats? At least it wasn't unwanted food! Small blessing.

  5. Laughing at the stuff you pulled out of the speaker!! And that IS a lovely tangle of thread.

  6. Aren't the Oakshott threads gorgeous?? I think I could rival such a haul were I to empty out our speakers - very funny!

  7. Ha! Now you know where to look next time something is missing :)

  8. That is so funny, you had quite collection in your speaker. The Oakshott cotton is beautiful. Looking forward to what you make with them.

  9. That is so cute - all those little objects. And the oakshot will be beautiful in your project for sure!

  10. Oh how the speaker contents made me giggle! Don't you just love the little monkeys! So funny. Thanks for sharing.


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