Thursday 30 May 2013

Really Random Thursday - Reasons to be Cheerful

My daughter designed and sewed this while I wasn't paying attention. I don't take any credit for it at all - it just makes me really happy that she did this all by herself!

Other reasons to be cheerful this week: sunny weather!  The flowers are coming out,

and so are the creatures.  I really love stripey snails.

Things are always interesting close up and I love that my camera can show the flowers on this tiny grass/sedge(?).

This satellite picture of a strange planet is actually a huge lichen.

Of course things aren't always sweetness and light and we are not the Walton family!  This always cheers me up though.

Live A Colorful Life


  1. that embroidery is fab! I am most impressed!

  2. a post full of loveliness :)

  3. What a lovely embroidery, and the little note is definitely a mantra to live by :-)

  4. Your photos are fab and I love your daughter's embroidery :)

  5. Lovely photos and the embroidery and note "warm the cockles of the 'eart" don't they :-)

  6. What a talented daughter you have. Yay for some sunshine at last too :)

  7. Your daughter's embroidery is lovely and so is that note! Your photos of spring are beautiful and make me very homesick.

  8. Beautiful photos and what a lovely embroidery by your daughter. I love it!

  9. Haha, have lovely children :) many reasons to be thankful!

  10. What beautiful pictures of the nature you see. And that embroidery is phenomenal!


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