Wednesday 5 February 2014

WIP Wednesday

Now that I've finished Big Red Triangles, which thankfully came out of its first wash without any mishap, I've picked up two other works again. This is what's on the design floor this morning:

At the bottom are some large (and crumpled - the problem with design floors) Oakshott pebbles.  Stripey stones quilt started here - I am aiming for a grid of 9 pebbles, so have 3 more to go.  It temporarily stalled because I am dithering about the fabric/colour to use for the remaining pebbles.    I also got a bit despondent about this quilt because I was congratulating myself on my brilliant idea until I realised it is going to look rather like this.  Bum.  No progress.

I can't help thinking of my WIPs in terms of the Newland Shame Quotient (NSQ).   At the top of the pic are Oakshott leaves for a quilt which has been on the go for over a year -  so the NSQ is quite high.   But some progress has been made as this is what they looked like at last round up.

And now:

I love these fabrics and want to do them justice.  The plan had been for a fairly homespun looking quilt of autumnal leaves on a Yarn Dyed essex linen background in Flax, but when I laid the leaves out on it to have a look it sucked all the life out of the colour.  So I'm going to go for something much more dramatic!  I also have to decide on layout, but would like to cross this one off the list by the beginning of March.

Linking up with Leigh Anne who is guest hosting WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. The leaves are gorgeous and so is the colour!

  2. LOVE the leaves!! Maybe now that you have the leaves done and they are so awesome, you will be inspired to finish the quilt :) Don't you just hate it when you think you are being so clever in your design idea and BAM you find the exact same thing in a tutorial?? Now that sux!

  3. Ooh your pebbles are back. I really like them and was wondering what happened to them. I like them better than the other ones (and totally no disrespect to her they are great too! because of their naturalistic colours. They look like real pebbles on a beach (or right where I want to grow carrots bah humbug!). They would go great with a pale stoney coloured background.

    The leaves too, they're smashing, so bright and vibrant :)

  4. Why not go full out Scotland and do a Pebble cairn .... or sculpture feature

  5. ooo - I love the leaves. So bright and colourful :-) Something I miss living in the tropics where leaves are just green all year round!

  6. Those leaves are awesome!! As for a background, maybe bright pink or deep purple?? Just some thoughts.

  7. These are both wonderful projects, I look forward to seeing more progress.

  8. Gorgeous leaves. I love the colors you chose. Nice.

  9. bwahahahahahaha! I'm an abbreviation! It's all official and stuff! :-D

  10. So glad you've gone back to the pebbles quilt. Can see them working beautifully on a single colour (perhaps clustered or overlapping) with masses of free motion embroidery surrounding them.

  11. I'm excited to see both of these! Love what you're doing with both the leaves and the pebbles.

  12. Great use of color! Such fabulous choices! Best, Kate

  13. Hi Catherine! No no no...the pebbles quilt is going to be a spectacular original -not at all the the one on Fresh Modern. Really, when I went to FMQ from your link, I was confused as to why you were bummed. And as for the leaves...HOLY COW!

  14. What's the hurry? Enjoy the process. Love both of these projects.

  15. Loving those leaves... can not wait to see what it all becomes.

    1. Thank you:-) What I plan is going to be fiddly so I hope I can pull it off!

  16. They look good. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

  17. this looks fantastic! I love colors and shape!

  18. The leaves look great in those rich colours. I look forward to seeing how you put them together in a quilt. I like your pebbles better than the ones in the link you gave. The curved accents look really good.

  19. I don't think you need to worry about doing the fabrics justice Catherine they both look like very special projects.

  20. I think the pebbles will be utterly different and lovely! Haha NSQ! I have a few of those off the scale! And the leaves are fantastic! I especially love the way the bit in the middle (great botanical know how here!) isn't always in the middle.

  21. Oooh, this is crazy cool! I love it. What a great design and the fabrics are perfect.

  22. Very exciting projects. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next :)

  23. I love the colours of the leaves, such a vibrant mix. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to do next.

  24. Your reflections about the quilt are very interesting. A real look into your work. I went to look at the real pebbles and then at the poster of pebbles. I like both very much. And there is a quilt, too. Beautiful.


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