Sunday 20 July 2014

Why I am a Slow Blogger

Thank you to Moira for hosting the Slow Blog Linky - I'm just linking up to make my excuses for the lack of creativity.  I managed to finish one project since the last linky but I am spending the summer holidays trying to be a Good Mother, attempting to keep on top of the weeds on the allotment, and working, so not much craftiness involved.

For the last week I did get to go skiving off to the mountains up North with my husband, without children!

Last year we actually managed to get up to the top of that mountain - this time we were looking at it from the top of something a little smaller.   The vegetation on top of our hill looked like this, heather and blaeberries.

It seems to be a particularly good year for them.  Nom nom nom.

We found this Emperor Moth caterpillar which made me think of the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland, only missing a hookah to make him look even more psychedelic.

Further down, it was more meadow, with some beautiful orchids. I think this is the Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea) although it definitely was not growing on lime as described in my book.

Sneezewort (achillea ptarmica).

There were more beasties too - a shield bug, 

and a dung beetle.

Needless to say, it wasn't always sunny.

Knotted Cotton


  1. Looks like a wonderful get-away, rain or not. Beautiful photos!

  2. Why Catherine! You do not have to make any excuses. You have been out Gathering Inspiration! And taking great pictures, too, by the way. :)

  3. Surely that is the wole idea of slow blogging that you don't need to make excuses if you don't actually create anything after all as Maureen says you were collecting inspiration on your trip. How could you not be inspired in such beautiful surroundings. Love to go there myself one day.

  4. Oooh! That all looks lovely-yes no excuses. I must try to get a post together for the slow blogger too-tho' this blogger is positively glacial!!

  5. It looks like you are having a lovely time, crafting or not. I've never seen beetles look so pretty - what beautiful photos.

  6. Fabulous photos! No need for excuses, it's just as important to take time out, and take the pressure off–it usually leads to a resurgence of creativity in the long run.

  7. its great to have a break once in a while. I have enjoyed my sewing break and am looking forward to getting back into it now :-) Lovely photos!

  8. Great pictures Catherine! I love all the bugs, and the mountain shots are so beautiful! I think slow blogging is the way to go as they say 'don't forget to smell the roses along the way!" cheers, CW

  9. I started scan reading your post and thought it said you'd been 'skydiving' - crikey, I must slow down! Gorgeous mini-beasts!

  10. It looks like you are having a great summer and that's what is important. Beautiful photos from your mountain adventure; the photo of the caterpillar is truly amazing.

  11. Lovely photos! Looks like it was a great trip, and there's nothing wrong with taking time to just live life!


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