Wednesday 28 November 2012

WIP Wednesday

Leaves quilt has been put aside at the moment while I try to clear my pile of some other projects.  I've been working on the quilt top I'm making with Lily Ashbury's Tradewinds.   I love these beautiful bright colours.

It's going to be for one of my children.  Does anyone else find it hard to find your own personal style?  Maybe you shouldn't be pinned down to one thing, but it does make interior design problematic:-)  I really love things with quite a restrained colour palette, but then I also really admire things which are very bright and colourful. Making things for my kids is rather handy, because I can really go for it!

Talking restrained colour palette, I've been making Christmas bunting with my lovely star bundle.

So far I have made ten metres, and I have fabric for another two and a half - so it's going to work out at about £1.40 a metre.    I'm so happy with it - the fabric is a lovely slubby natural cotton (calico? muslin?), and I found a wide bias binding in exactly the same colour to string the flags on.  It looks quite classy and "Country Living Magazine";-)   I had to hang it up on the window temporarily to photograph because I'm mean about not having decorations up until the week before Christmas - but I'll post a picture of the whole thing in situ then.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Yes personal style is a challenge for me too. Looking at others' work I reckon it must come with time, I'm hoping anyway coz I think style can be identifiably seen even in a diverse palette. Love the view from your Scottish window with the oh so Scottish houses; and don't think that 's mean about the decorations as in my family growing up we never put our Christmas tree up until Christmas Eve, tho' I cheat now, but certainly not in November!

  2. I have already seen a Christmas tree up I hope it is not a real one there will be no needles left on it by Christmas! The bunting fabric was a great bargain, you will be a feature in a homestyle magazine soon :)

  3. Oh my gosh that iquilt is beautiful. I love the colours! Love the bunting too it looks really sophisticated and grown up in that colour palette

  4. I hear what you're saying about personal style... Maybe it will magically reveal itself to us some day! Love your colorful quilt and the bunting is very pretty!

  5. It is hard to find ones personal style. I'm still trying to figuere it out. I like your quilt top is so brigh and cheerful. And they bounting is so pretty, it is very Country Living Magazine. I just look at the December issue and the decorations are in red and off-white. So you are totally on trend:) Looking forward to seeing the bounting in place.

  6. Lovely! And yes, my "style" is all over the place - a house full of neutrals, but now dotted with crazy, mixed up colours. Interior decor is definitely not my forte.

  7. Your restrained bunting in beautiful as is the quilt top. I haven't found my style yet - it seems to depend on my mood! Totally agree with the decorations policy - makes them special and you're not desperate to get them down on 12th night!

  8. Beautiful quilty projects! I make bright quilts for Project Linus so that I can indulge my love of color. I think I have a "split personality" style as mine keeps changing and I decorate my house room by room rather than in one overall style.

  9. I love both your projects. I know what you mean about it being difficult to find your own personal style. I think quilting has changed mine - I am more open to bright colours and busier patterns. That's what I love about quilting though - you can take the mood you are in and apply it to a quilt. If you don't love it forever, no big deal, try something else next time.

  10. Yes! I feel the pressure to have all my projects match my decor and vice versa. Which is silly. But I love all things fabric!

    I love the idea of the 12 days of Christmas. It's seems more biblical. But we usually get the decorations out after thanksgiving. Is that an American thing? I don't take our things down until the 7th of January though.

  11. oh I just love the colours! I am in the process if doing something very similar with triangles also! My two kidlets are now older so I stick to quilts and other things :)

  12. I feel like my style is all over the place too. On one side, I like scrappy colorful quilts on the other I like very simple limited palette and complexity quilts woth lots of negative space. I think with all art you work through different styles finding the things about each that ring true for you and eventually combine them into something that is completely you. The best interior design is a reflection of te people that live there, so don't feel constricted by a past color palette, it will evolve as you do.

    And that's my 5 cents worth. Lol
    I bought a kit that utilizes the tracery DS line and can't wait to make it. I'm forcing myself to knock some others off my WIP list first though. Yours is going to be gorgeous!

  13. Yikes I really shouldn't comment from bed on my phone. Sorry about all the typos! I think the worst offense was that I should have said Tradewinds line...


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