Friday 26 July 2013

Slow, slow, quick quick, slow

I'm not here much, so apologies for the lack of comments and the slow replies at the moment, but I had to show the two lovely ATCs I received recently.

The first was made by Hilda.  Unfortunately her partner in Ali's Textile ATC swap didn't stump up, and as I'd made more than one Ali asked if I could be a swap angel.  I didn't expect to get one in return as I'd already received one from my own partner.  Then this arrived. Isn't it lovely?  I really like the variegated stitching round the edge, and the way she has echoed the flower petals with her neat blanket stitching.

Then came this beauty, from Nicky, who liked the Liberty ATC I made so we arranged a private swap. It is just big enough to use as a coaster but the tiny piecing is amazing and I can't bear the thought of getting coffee on it so it is propped on my shelf where I can admire it.


  1. it is so sad and frustrating when folks join swaps and have their go/receive their swap.. and then dont bother to return the favour! I dont know what the solution is .. but it is infuriating .. well done you for steping up and making sure she received a gift x

  2. I love the idea of making something smaller to swap, it somehow seems more personal. It's a shame the absent swapper couldn't make the time to honour her side of the bargain, but then, I guess, some people over commit, at least she could have apologised though!

  3. Hi Catherine, They are both really cute! I'm patial to anything coffee themed. The leaf print with the lettering is very effective! cheers, Claire W.

  4. How nice that your angel endeavours had their own reward. I am with Diane on the frustrations of absent swappers, but don't have an answer either. I never received a thing from the first swap I entered, despite being told that an angel had stepped in! Hard to believe two packages would go astray.

  5. How fun to get these little lovelies in the post! PS: Missed you in London last weekend, but I did get to talk a very little bit with your stand-in:)

  6. Of course you're an angel :) Love the ATC cards and Nicky's is just perfect. Hope all is well with you?

  7. How lovely that you could be an angel for the swap - such a shame that someone was a 'no show' :o( Hope you're well xx

  8. How nice you could be an angel. It is very frustrating when people who sign up for a swap don't come through. But those are some lovely presents you got. The tiny pieces on the mug rug are amazing.


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