Wednesday 15 January 2014

I'm Catherine and I'm a Slow Blogger

During the holidays I had a bit of a think about the slow blog linky held here on the 15th of the month.  The thing about the slow blog linky is that slow bloggers really are, well, slow.  They don't have much time to connect and they would probably like not to be slow bloggers!

I'm a slow blogger because I have family commitments and a job, because I can't justify spending huge amounts of dosh on piles of fabric, and because I am a faffer with occasional mad bursts of activity.

I'd like to be different, but I really do think it's important to just plough on at your own speed, and not to put pressure on yourself by comparing yourself to people who for whatever reason are creatively more productive.  So I'm keeping the Linky up and running for a while even if it's just me and the tumbleweed!

If you'd like to connect with other slow bloggers do link up to share something creative you've done recently, or write a post about the obstacles to creativity - or indeed any other subject - and then come back to visit other blogs and show encouragement! You can find the button here


  1. One of the disadvantages of blogging is that we come across plenty of people who are so talented, live such beautiful lives with homes that are always lovely and children who seem to be doing well - all a bit like those round robbin letters we get at Christmas I find - and then we can feel at a disadvantage and as if we have nothing to offer and cannot possibly match up to their productivity and artistic ability. However we all have our own way of living our lives and slow can be better - just keep going in your own way I say!

  2. I would like to join the slow bloggers. I'm slow..... I'm home all day, but for some unknown reason I do not have time to blog, craft or do anything really. I need to sort my time out. I have been home all day for nearly two years now, but my brain cannot relax yet!
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  3. I'm so slow I've stopped :) Maybe, when I get on top of things in my non-blogging life, I will return. I can't imagine ever being more than a slow blogger, though. And, in all honesty, I tend to prefer following the slower blogs.

  4. Very thought provoking, Thank you

  5. I'm all for slow blogging, there's enough rushing about in life as it is. Thanks for the link up!

  6. not so much slow but a procrastinator, bit of a couch potato with sudden bursts of energy.

  7. I never seem to be ready to blog/remember to blog when the linky party opens but I think I may be the very definition of a slow blogger!

  8. I started out thinking that I should be linking up finishes every week and got myself in a right frazzle! Thankfully Slow Bloggers came along and I realised that I wasn't alone in feeling that some of the enjoyment of crafting disappears when it becomes about making to meet an imaginary deadline rather than for the joy of creating. Glad to hear that you are keeping the Link going Catherine.

  9. Hello Catherine, I love the slow blog linky, it allows us to move at our own pace with our blogs and meet other's who are like minded as regards to posting less frequently than others. Thank you for hosting it again for 2014.

  10. I'm slow as at the moment, mostly because of work and a stinking cold. I love your link up but am so slow that I don't have anything to link yet - hopefully next time. Let me know if you would like me to host again x

  11. What a great idea! I'm so new to blogging and have been wondering how often to post something. Some days nothing much of interest happens and others there is so much. I'm really blogging as a form of online diary for myself and ,if it happens to be of interest, for anyone who has the time to read. I love reading all the blogs I've subscribed to and they are so inspirational.


I love hearing from you and always try to reply - please forgive me if I accidentally miss a comment. If you don't hear back do check you aren't a "No Reply Blogger", and look for a reply here in the Comments section.


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