Thursday 6 June 2013

Just stuff

Last weekend we had one day when the children were being so horrible that we declined to take them out into the sunshine for the day as planned.  Of course we then realised that they hadn't wanted to go out all along, so only the husband and I suffered.  Luckily the next day got off to a much better start and we managed to go and see Jupiter Artland

Jupiter Artland is essentially a sculpture park, set in beautiful surroundings around a private house.  It's an amazing place - and a fantastic use of money by the clearly stonkingly rich.

The biggest thing to see is this landform work by Charles Jencks.

It looks like a temple complex built by aliens and then abandoned - you look at it and feel awestruck and mystified, which I like in art!  On the other hand in some places, where parts of the structure come together, there's a much more intimate feeling to it.

I love these folds which remind me of paintings by Alison Watt - if you try googling "Alison Watt images" you will maybe see what I mean.

I think that after you've looked at sculpture for a while everything looks like a work of art.


  1. Hey Catherine, Wonderful photos! The 'land sculptures are very beautiful they do convey a tranquil feeling! And your other pix are pretty too! cheers, CW

  2. Oh Yes those days where we make a rod for our own backs! What a fantastic park. Off to google Alison Whatsit now!

  3. Beautiful! I love your word stonkingly rich.

  4. Great pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. That looks amazing, we have to go there next time we visit!! And I want that ironwork. You would have loved Denmark - we managed to be cultural... Plein air artist's museum in Skagen which was beautiful, and the ARoS Modern Art museum in Aarhus - highlights being the thought provoking Annika Von Hauswolfe photograph exhibition, Warhol's Marilyn and other contemporary stuff, and a five metre tall sculpture of a crouching boy. Photo's/blog entries to follow.....

  6. That look amazing. We went to the Kroller-Muller museum in Holland last year and they have a wonderful outdoor sculpture section - the black and white "garden" is most bizarre. Your pictures made me think of it in a way - I think it was the contouring. I'm going to add Jupiter Artland to my wishlist of places to visit.

  7. Beautiful! I will definitely have to visit Jupiter Artland next time we are in Scotland!

  8. Laughing at Charlotte's comment! Looks beautiful and I love your macro shots :)

  9. Gorgeous photos, looks like a great place to visit and run off some steam :D

  10. You made my morning with your blog. I found your comment on mine, and have had the best time reading through yours. I'm adding you to my Bloglovin' list--I think it was that comment of the "stonkingly rich" that was my favorite. Great!

    Elizabeth E.


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