Wednesday 21 December 2011

Lined Drawstring Bags II

Having now had bags of practice (sorry!) I've actually managed to get another two finished today for my own children to put their Christmas present dolls' quilt sets in.

I was whizzing along feeling (over) confident until I realised that in one bag I had omitted to leave two gaps in the seams where the drawstrings should be inserted.  Luckily it did eventually occur to me that all I had to do was sew two lines round the bag as per the tutorial, with some extra backstitching as I crossed the side seams to secure them, and then very carefully cut through the seams at the point where the gaps should have been.

Again I can't recommend this tutorial highly enough - these bags are so satisfying to make and I'm already thinking about how my next ones could be embellished.


  1. They're lovely! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. Great work, I love your fabric choices. I was actually admiring them on the flickr stream not knowing they are, in fact, yours!


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