Wednesday 7 December 2011

Ta Da!

Some of the photos people take to show off a new quilt are great - I always like the ones that include just the fingers and toes of the maker, and some, taken on a pebbly beach and so on, are just beautiful and a work of art in themselves.  I have to say though, that although Charlotte of Charlotte's Plot was so modest about her lovely photos in this post they are among my favourites - I don't just admire that quilt, I'd really like to be snuggled up in it!

I've just been taking some photos of my own because the dolls quilts didn't come apart in the wash,  and they crinkled nicely, so here's a "new quilt" picture:
My first quilt!

Not a very serious attempt to be artistic - and it's so cold here I definitely wasn't taking this one to the beach!

I'm so glad I started with dolls quilts - I've learned such a lot from it, though possibly not enough to tackle a big one next.  But before anything else I just have to finish off two little sets of pillowcase, sheet and blanket.


  1. Love the rocking horse! (and the quilt!) x

  2. Very cute doll quilts! I love your fabric choices!

  3. I love your picture and your quilt!

  4. That colour combo is great--nice work! I love navy and white together!


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